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Product Title: wProCAD+
Manufacturer/Publisher: David Snell
Stock Code: SNE-WPCAD
QuickCode: 17612
Format: PC CD
Product Group: PC-related Software
Condition: New
Availability: Usually available from stock

Suitable for Microsoft Windows 95 or NT4 or later up to and including Windows 10.


a.. Multiple drawing facility
b.. Up to 32 views on up to 16 drawings per session
c.. Drawing file manager
d.. Quick and easy to use
e.. Zoom and Pan
f.. Up to 8 user defined Zoom frames per drawing
g.. On screen prompt messages option
h.. Up to 23 user selectable and definable colours
i.. Support for advanced style thick dashed lines and filled areas
j.. Up to 256 drawing layers
k.. User selectable grids - square, rectangular, isometric, oblique
l.. Full screen cross-hair to aid alignment
m.. Ordnance Survey area fills for trees, grassland etc.
n.. Import of Ordnance Survey NTF and MasterMap (GML) files.
o.. Many specialised area fills - walling, wood, concrete, etc.
p.. Easy symbol creation and importation into drawings
q.. Wide range of construction tools
r.. On-the-fly 'snap' facilities for easy positioning
s.. Undo/Redo facility
t.. Import and Export of DXF files
u.. Import of DWG files
v.. Import and export of Microsoft Enhanced Meta Files
w.. Export of PDF files for internet use
x.. Text at any size and angle
y.. 4 built in fonts
z.. Up to 32 TrueType Fonts per drawing
aa.. Full automatic dimensioning feature
ab.. Quick printing using Windows printer drivers
ac.. Imports Bitmaps and will render most RISC OS Sprites
ad.. Imports JPEGs and GIFs (even animated GIFs!)
ae.. Detailed selection feature
af.. Detailed information reporting on drawing objects
ag.. 'Bill of materials' type reporting feature
ah.. User redefinable key short-cuts
ai.. Multi-copy tool, including copies following a path
aj.. Tools for chamfer, fillet, tangent, angular bisector etc.
ak.. Facility for saving start-up settings
al.. Auto-save feature to protect against data loss
am.. User definable units and drawing scale factor
an.. Parametric symbol insertion
ao.. Extended projection snaps
ap.. Cut-out tool to trim shapes
aq.. Text search feature within tool boxes and on drawing
Includes 174 page manual, with index, printed in colour on quality A5 paper
in ring binder.

RISC OS version called ProCAD+ also available.

Special Offer Price: £60.00 no UK VAT to pay!
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Last updated: Fri, 07 Feb 2025