After over 36 years in our Worthing shop, CJE Micro’s and 4D have moved to new, bigger, premises at:
Unit 16
Arunside Industrial Estate
Fort Road
BN17 7QU
Our telephone number remains unchanged:
+44 (0)1903 523222
All our email addresses are also unchanged.
Please note we are now open on Saturdays by appointment only.
At the Wick Roundabout with the A284 and A259, take the A284 Wick Road, signposted "Town Centre".
Follow this road for approx. 800m (0.5miles) until it turns sharply left.
Turn right onto Clun Road.
Follow Clun Road for approx. 450m (0.3miles) and then turn left into Fort Road.
Follow this road for approx. 100m (110yds), and when the road turns right (signposted "Bognor Regis / Worthing", carry straight on with Dellner Ferrabyrne on your left and Medisort to your right, ignore the large "Goods In" sign and go over the speed bumps and through a large yellow, metal gateway.
Turn left after the gateway and we are in front of you on the left. You can park in front of the windows just past the front door.
what3words: ///remark.wacky.coast |